Navigating the nuances of the Revelstoke rental environment can feel like biking a mountain trail under construction. There's a new feature or berm around every corner!. There are constantly changing variables related to supply and demand, seasonal fluctuations and inventory flux. There are changing variables related to new and changing policies including bylaws and enforcement application. Seasonal and full time resident impact on overall inventory along with shortages in labor to service properties add to the complexity of functional maintenance, cleaning and turnover. Revelstoke is an environment of incredible and profitable opportunity for short term rentals, with the caveat that knowledgeable finesse in its execution results in a superior landlord and tenant experience.


AirBnB, VRBO and typical Rental Management companies are 'ludicrously' expensive and take huge portions of owners income potential which at the same time dramatically increases costs to renters thus lowering the competitive advantage of the property, which increases vacancy again lowering profitability! Savvy owners often create their own brand and outreach, marketing like small boutique hotels to self book and manage their own properties. This maximizes profit, perhaps, but at the sacrifice of really being able to compete with those businesses who can spend far more time and marketing expenses than the one off. Enter here a dedicated, low fee, Revelstoke specific, highly ranking and sought out short term rental portal for your property. Revelstoke Bookings cuts the excess fees and un-needed aspects out of property management and provides a fast, lean, book-it, clean-it, maintain it and provide a wonderful customer experience along with maximum owner profit scenario.